We cannot control our outdoor air supply, but we can at least improve the air we breathe when we are indoors.
The human environment is mainly indoors; the average person spends at least 20 hours per day inside! Many people struggle with asthma, allergies, and other respiratory ailments. The E.P.A. has stated that indoor air pollutants may be approximately five times higher than outdoor air pollutants.
Restorative Cleaning: At Emerald Valley Environmental Services we can restore the quality of your your ducts, carpets, and most external surfaces to a state that will be much more manageable for the future. Very often a home or office building has been neglected or had very little maintenance throughout the years. Many home and business owners don’t even know that duct cleaning is a necessary step to maintaining not only the value of their investment, but more importantly, the quality of their health. Most people wait until the carpeting looks dirty before having it shampooed - in the meantime, they are breathing harmful irritants and toxins that lay hidden beneath the carpet’s surface. Highly developed moss and algae can build up on any surface of a building and result in damage that causes dry rot, mold, and slow leaks.
Our goal is to improve the human indoor environment without leaving a negative impact on the earth’s natural environment.
If a structure is neglected for too long the damage may be irriversable, and can require a more aggressive means of structural repair resulting in a sizable bite out of your finances. If general cleaning wont restore the quality of your investment, our technicians can advise you on the necessary services that will be needed.
Proactive Maintenance: Routine maintenance is the best way to protect your home and your health. Don’t wait until the carpet is visibly dirty, a respiratory infection to set in, or the roof to start leaking before you decide it’s finally time to fix the problem. Remove the problem before it grows. You will save money in unforeseen medical bills and structural repairs by getting to the culprit before it gets to you.
Preventive Measures: Education is ultimately the best means of protection. Our technicians will not only assist you with the maintenance of your structure, but will also advise you on the steps you can take to protect yourself. We also distribute air and water purification products that will enhance your quality of life on a daily basis. With your health in mind, we use only the highest quality cleaning solutions derived from 100% biological resources that are safe for your children, pets, and the environment.